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ArtisanArtisan is about meticulous attention to details and the execution of exquisite finishes. Progressive thinking used in creative disciplines has allowed techniques look modern and relevant.
ArtisanWrap up in smoky darks: brown, plum, bluish gray, warmed up by golden beige, coppery ocher and rosewood. Enhance with emerald green and amethyst purple flashes.
ArtisanLoose ramdon-stitch structures have an eccentric ravaged appeal, with unstructured ladder effects and cobweb-like dropped-stitch treatments adding an airy barely there feel to easy tunicshapped sweater and gossamer-fine dresses. Work with brushed yarns for a distressed blurred look, maybe overlaid on contrasting grounds.
ArtisanA hipple chic style worth a wanderiing poet who is fond of luxurious materials and original mixes of personalized prints.